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Life to Eagle Process

Mike Jenkins

Life to Eagle Advisor, Atlanta Area Council, Foothills District, Troop 252
Foothills District Advancement Committee member
Email: mike at

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I want to start my Eagle Service Project Proposal

Now that you are a Life Scout, you should begin planning your project. Download the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook to use as a reference. This describes the process required to follow to become an Eagle Scout. THIS IS THE DOCUMENT YOU WILL WANT TO COMPLETE.

Once you have this ready, email it to me at for review. Normally, it takes 2-4 passes before it is ready to send to the District for approval.

Once you and I agree this is ready to submit, get it signed by someone from the benefiting organization, your unit leader, and a unit committee member. Scan the signed signature page. Send the proposal in electronic (PDF) format to David Jaracz the District Advancement Committee Chair. Send the original signature page with an Self-addressed, stamped envelope to David Jaracz at the address below

NOTE: Be sure to mention you will follow the two guidelines listed under National Sites above in the Safety section of your proposal.

David Jaracz

Foothills District Advancement Chair
2912 Pathview Lane
Marietta, GA 30062
Phone 770-565-2509

Once the project is approved (or not), you will receive a letter from the District. KEEP THIS LETTER to include in your final Eagle submission. If there are instructions for clarification of changes in the letter, be sure to follow them when conducting your project. Only after you get the District approval letter, should you begin your project.

I have done the project and now I am ready to submit my Eagle Application

Once you finish your project and all other Eagle Scout requirements, you are ready to submit the final paperwork. This consists of several more items.

  • Complete the second half of the Eagle Project workbook. Here you explain what you learned, what you spent, the total hours worked, and any other interesting items that highlight your project.
  • District Approval Letter
  • Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose. This tells the Eagle Board what you want to do with your life
  • Complete the Eagle Scout Application. Visit a Scout meeting. Have someone in the office print an "Eagle Preparation Report". Transfer the information from the report to the Eagle Application. Get it signed.

Once you get all of this together, make a copy of Page 6 of the workbook. Take this and the completed workbook to the Atlanta Council Service Center during business hours and give this package to the person working behind the counter.

At this time, the Atlanta Area Council staff will review your packet. If everything is in order, it should be approved and you will be told it has been accepted. Many times they will review and approve while you wait.

You MUST LET ME KNOW it has been approved. Once I know this, I will contact you to schedule the Eagle Board of Review. These are held on the 3rd Thursday of every month at the

LDS Church
95 Holt Road NE
Marietta, GA 30068-3684.

The new 2012 process have taken some of the legwork out of the up-front planning steps, but expects the District Committee, at your Eagle Board of Review to carefully determine if you showed sufficient leadership during your project.


Include things like the total hours, leadership challenges, lessons learned, what went well, etc.

You also need to get reference letters sent to me. These MUST be from the same people you listed on your Eagle Application. Send the Letter of Reference Form plus an stamped envelope addressed to:

Foothills District Advancement Committee

c/o Mike Jenkins
1030 Westersham Place
Marietta, GA 30064

I have to have ALL (five or six) of these before the Eagle Board of Review. I will make arrangements to get them to your Eagle Board of Review.

Alternately You can email and ask your reference to EMAIL their letter of reference directly to me at Mike @
at least a week prior to the Eagle Board of Review. Sooner if possible.

Questions about the Eagle Board can be directed to me or the District Eagle Coordinator:

Eric Flamm

1216 Lexham Drive
Marietta, GA. 30068
Phone 770-552-8206

Life to Eagle Documents